Processing a refund (Admin)

Step 1: Checking and verifying a refund

The admin receives the request a his dashboard wp-admin → Dokan → Refund Requests.

Under Pending admins will be able to see all unapproved refund requests. This includes the name of the Vendor, Refund Amount, Refund Reason, Payment Gateway, and Date of refund request.

o view verify about the refund, the admin should click on the order number.

Step 2: Choosing the refund method

Now from here he can allow reject or delete a request. Admins can choose to manually refund by clicking on “Refund Manually” button by hovering over a refund request.

Admins can also choose from the Bulk Actions drop-down to approve multiple requests together. To do this, select all the refund requests you want to approve using the checkbox beside each request, then select Approve Requests from the drop-down and click on Apply.

Step 3: Double checking the refund status

When a request gets approved it will move to the Approved tab.

Admins can also check the status by clicking on the order.

For partially refunded orders, the status will remain Completed. For fully refunded orders, the status will change to Refunded.

Admins can change the status from the Order Status drop-down.

How Do I Know If My Refund Request Is Complete? (Vendor)

From your Vendor Dashboard, navigate to the order, click on the details and look for order status updates like this.

For partially refunded requests, the order status will remain completed.

For fully refunded orders, the status will change to Refunded.

What Happens If Your Vendor Mistakenly Posts a Refund Request?

You can delete the refund request, simple.

Click on Cancel by hovering over a refund request. The request will be moved to the Cancelled tab.

Admins can also cancel multiple requests by selecting all the requests using the checkbox beside each request. Then select Mark as Cancelled from the Bulk Actions drop-down.

Cancelled requests show under the Cancelled tab.

How Do You Block Accidental Requests for the Same Refund?

We only allow one refund request per order at a time. This way, even if you lose internet connection while making a request or something else happens or you forgot about that you made the request already, you will not be able to make a new one until the admin has accepted or rejected or deleted the first one.

Dokan Version 2.9.5 Updates

Automatic Order Refund Process via Stripe

With this version, the vendors can refund to their customers without the manual intervention of the Admin. Here’s how the vendor can do it:

Suppose a vendor has the following order that he or she wants to refund.

After selecting the order the vendor will get the “Request Refund” option:

After clicking on the “Request Refund” button you will get the option to enter the amount you want to refund. Here for example the vendor has input 45 dollars.

After entering the amount, the vendor just needs to click on the “Submit Refund Request” button to move onward.

Next, the vendor will get a pop-up alert mentioning the fact that he or she is refunding. Clicking on the ‘Ok‘ button will finish the refund process. Otherwise he or she can select the ‘Cancel’ button to decline the process.

Upon clicking the ‘Ok‘ button he or she will get another success pop-up regarding the completion of the process:

Here is how the vendor can see the refunded amount from the order:

Also the vendor can get the list view of the refunded order by going to the Vendor Dashboard → Orders.

How the Admin Can See the Automatic Refund of the Vendor?

As an admin, you can see the refunded amounts. To see this refund go to the WP Admin Dashboard → Dokan →Refunds.

If the admin select the order he or she will be able to view the refunded order details just like the following screenshot:

The admin can also see this refunded amount from the list of orders. Navigate to the WP Admin Dashboard → WooCommerce → Orders to see the refunded amount.

Points to Remember:

  • The vendors can also refund partially with this feature.
  • The admin has to enable the Dokan Stripe Connect option to cater this service to the vendors.

That’s all about the Dokan automatic order refund process via stripe.

Vendor Dashboard Help

Adding Products

Below are the required steps for adding products.

  1. Click on "Products" in the left hand menu near the top.
  2. Click "Add new product"
  3. Enter a Title
  4. Choose a product type.  Simple is for products without variations like color or size.
  5. Enter a Price
  6. Upload a product cover image - this is simply a picture of your product you are selling.
  7. Select a Category for your product.  This is a multiple-choice with our preset categories.  It's important for customers who are shopping by category.
  8. Add a Short Description.  This appears near the top of your product and it should be a short summary of your product
  9. Click Save Product.
Optional Settings

Below are optional settings for your products.

  1. Variable Products - see separate help topic
  2. Tags - this is an way for you to add keywords that further describe your product.  Enter them one at a time.
  3. Gallery Images - represented by the square box with a + in the middle, this is how you add additional images of your product. This is very common on Amazon and other online stores.  It's good to have a couple extra images if you have them.
  4. Inventory - if you have a finite quantity of products and you don't want to sell more than you have, Add info to this section.  The fields are self explanatory.
  5. Geolocation - this is typically the same as your store.
  6. Shipping and Tax - This is your opportunity to override your default Shipping Settings for a single product.  You'll only need to check the box to "Override your store's default shipping cost for this product" then set the unique pricing.
  7. Linked Products is a way to Upsell and Cross-sell your existing products. Just type in the boxes to find your other products to select them.
  8. Attribute and Variation.  If, for example, you sell a shirt that comes in different sizes, you'll need to create the Attribute for "size" and then create your variations (e.g. small, medium, large etc...)  Note: this requires you set the product type to "Variable" at the top of your product settings.  Simple products do not have variations.
  9. Other Options - here you can set a product to Online (live) or Draft (if you need more time to complete your edits).  You can also set Visibility if you need to.  Draft and Hidden are very similar.  You can also enable/disable product reviews if you like.
  10. Click Save Product.
Product Images

It is so important you have great, high resolution pictures of your products. Be sure to have bright lighting and a good camera.  Use a tripod if you can.  Your customers order with their eyes so the better your pictures are, the more you will sell.

Store Setup

Here are some tips on setting up your Vendor Store page here on the website so it looks great and invites customers in to buy your products.

  1. Click on Settings in the left hand menu and then on Store. This will bring up all your store settings.
  2. Upload banner -  the banner appears at the top of your store page as a background for the header.  This is a wide picture and can add style and design to your store page.  Find a nice picture to use... perhaps a picture of your tent at the market or a picture of your store or farm.  The suggested dimensions are 1200x470 pixels.  A .JPG is best.


Shipping Setup

If you plan to ship your products via USPS or similar, you'll want to configure these settings. If not, just make sure the checkbox for Enable Shipping is unchecked.

  1. In the left menu click on Settings and then on Shipping.  This will open up your shipping settings.
  2. Make sure you are seeing the store-wide shipping settings.  If you are not seeing this, click on the link that reads "To configure the default shipping settings, Click Here"
  3. Make sure the Enable Shipping checkbox is checked.
  4. Set a Default Shipping Price.  (e.g. $12) This is the minimum shipping charge for any item in your store.  Note: this is the "default" shipping price and you can override this on any of your individual products that might be very heavy or require a specific shipping price.
  5. Add a Per Product Additional Price.  (e.g. $4) This is the cost that gets added if someone buys more than one of your products.  So for example:  A customer purchases one item, they will be charged $12 (your default shipping price) and then increases the quantity to 2 items, they then are charged $16 (Default price + Per Product Additional Price)
  6. Add a Per Qty Additional Price - typically this is the same as the Per Product Additional Price.
  7. Choose a Processing Time from the dropdown menu
  8. Write your Shipping Policy into the text box
  9. Add your Refund Policy in the text box
  10. Be sure the "Ships from:" is set to United States (US)
  11. Set the Ship to to United States (US).  This will ensure you never are asked to ship internationally.  You can also set limits to where you will ship to.
  12. Click the button that reads "Save Settings"
Market Pickup
  1. To configure Farmers Market Pickup, click on Settings in the left hand menu, and then Shipping. 
  2. Make sure you are seeing the Zone settings.  If you are not, click on the link that reads "To configure Market Pickup Click Here"
  3. You will need to select the Vendor Shipping Zone
  4. Next, click the "edit" link that appears under the title Vendor Shipping Zone.  (you will need to hover your cursor over the words to reveal the edit link)
  5. Click on the button that reads "+ Add Shipping Method"
  6. Select "Local Pickup" and click the button "Add Shipping Method" to save.
  7. Next, we will edit the text for Local pickup by hovering over the words "Local Pickup" and clicking "edit".
  8. Change the title to "Farmers Market Pickup at Calabasas (example) - Saturdays 8am-1pm.  You'll put in the actual market you participate in and be sure to include the time of day you will be there.
  9. Add a Description - something like "Come to the Market and pickup your purchase"
  10. Click "Save Settings"
  11. If you attend more than one Farmers Market, you can click the "+ Add Shipping Method" once more and repeating the steps described above.
  12. When you're done, click the Save Changes button at the bottom.


Live Chat Setup

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